
Wizpack ver 1.20


The wizpack is a simple script package that I created to give players the ability to simplify simple commands, without effecting game performance. I tried to make the pack fast, exact and cpu friendly in every aspect of it. Hope you enjoy my pack.

FSB-SPY - Thanks for being an awesome beta tester and putting in such a great amount of time into continually udpating the pack. Also thanks for not complaining when things dont work ;)
Writer - Thanks for all the help with the many code questions that I had and also for support.vl2.
LabRat - Thanks for guiding me through my first GUI experience
T2Scripters - Thanks to everyone at T2Scripters for all the help and support
Beta Testers - Vektor, Vampire, Santa, Red_One and P1aGu3. Thanks Guys. The help is very much appreciated :)
Drac0 - Number One Guinea Pig. Thanks muchly mate :)
Dynamix - What a game! :)


1) Ensure you have the file support.vl2 installed (ie. put it in tribes2/gamedata/base directory)
2) Put wizpack.vl2 in your tribes2/gamedata/base directory (Do NOT extract either support.vl2 or wizpack.vl2. Just simply place these two files, as they are, in your tribes2/gamedata/base directory.)
3) Run tribes 2 and from the menu, select "Scripts".
4) Edit wizpack GUI as you see fit.
5) Play T2. (p.s. for other instructions check the script instructions)

1) Turn off your computer, unplug your monitor and drop it on yourself. (FOOL! Why you wanna uninstall this!!! lol)
2) Delete tribes2/gamedata/base/wizpack.vl2
3) If you wish (optional), delete tribes2/gamedata/base/prefs/wizprefs.cs
4) Edit tribes2/gamedata/base/prefs/myconfig.cs (or whichever config file you are using) and remove the three keybinds you used for negative zoom, constant repair toggle and full force grenades.


This script, upon use of your repair pack, will mount the repair gun and continue to repair the target until it is fully repaired, upon which time it will remount the previous weapon. You can stop repairing at any time simply by changing weapons. There is also a key which you can bind called "Toggle Constant Repair" in your controls settings. This key allows you to enable and disable constant repair for them, sometimes hard to get to places (ie. turret on the roof). I bind alt-r to this key myself.

This script makes the player jump a split second before jetting, giving you the maximum usage or your energy. Over a large ski run this really does add up to a lot of speed.

If the place where you wish to deploy the mine is within beacon deploy range, this script will place a mine with the beacon, which will allow your teammates to (hopefully) see the mine easier.

If your weapon runs out of ammo this script will auto change you to your previous weapon that had ammo.

When you enter a vehicle, your mouse sensitivity will be increased by ?%, depending on your setting for that vehicle. This is mainly designed for players who use low mouse sensitivity in the sim and wish to increase it whilst in a vehicle, normal users will only see a slight increase as the vehicles will only turn as fast as their design settings on the server.

If you have a sniper rifle in your inventory when you zoom it will mount it. This is very usful for them snipe and run attacks or for when dueling. If you zoom, you can still change to other weapons though.

This script gives you up to 20 zoom magnifications which you can set individually in the GUI. Not only does it allow you to zoom in but also to zoom out. After enabling this script you should go to the settings/control menu and set the key you wish to use for "Reduce Zoom". Personally I use z to zoom in and x to zoom out. This script can also reset your zoom ratio on spawn to a setting.

If you wish to use your mousewheel as your zoom control then go to your mouse config in controls and select "Wizpack Zoom Cycle" or "Wizpack NegZoom Cycle" in the mousewheel options. Neg Zoom Cycle is the same as the zoom cycle, just the direction is reversed. You can also prevent zoom cycle "rollover" by deselecting it in the GUI.

This script allows you to throw a full force grenade on the press of a button and, if you hold that button down, will continue to throw them at your interval set in the GUI. There is also a similiar key for full force mines and, yet another binding for tap-spam grenades. You can still, of course, still charge grenades as per normal. After enabling this script you should go to the settings/control menu and set the key you wish to use for "Full Force Grenade". Personally I use f for full force grens and g for normal grenades.

Ever looked to where you wanted to deploy something but it was slightly off and it cost you valuable seconds to deploy it again? Now just look slightly lower than the deploy position and hold down the "Use BackPack" key and the pitch of you player will raise until it finds the first position that you can deploy. Easy eh? Or now, there is an option where you can retain control over your mouse and, when the first deployable location is discovered, the object will deploy!

This is the most complicated and, to a lot of people, most powerful script in this pack. It can be configured in so many different ways that even players that prefer to use their mouse wheel for weapon change will be able to find a use for this script. This script now also supports mods with each mod having its specific weapons selectable!

This script allows you to bind up to four "actions" to one of 6 keys. The keys it uses are the WeaponSlot keys which are bound from 1-6 as default. An "action" can be one of three things. It can be the use of a particular weapon (eg "Blaster"), the throwing of a particular weapon (eg. "Throw Blaster") or the throwing of your pack (eg "Throw Pack").

Probably best if we have an example:
Key 2: Bank 0: "Plasma"
Bank 1: "Throw Blaster"
Bank 2: "None"
Bank 3: "None"
In this example, if the player has plasma and a blaster, one press of the 2 key will mount his plasma gun and a second would throw his blaster. If the player did not have plasma and only had a blaster then one press would throw the blaster.

Another Example:
Key 1: Bank 0: "Mortar"
Bank 1: "Sniper Rifle"
Bank 2: "Blaster"
Bank 3: "Shocklance"
Lets say the player has a mortar, blaster and shocklance and currently has the mortar mounted. One press would mount the blaster or two quick presses (within the timout period) would mount the shocklance. Notice that if you do not have a particular weapon in your inventory, any bank that contains, it is ignored for optimum weapon change speed.

When I said I was going to create this script pack a lot of people flamed me. A lot of people said that scripts ruined Tribes 1 and would ruin Tribes 2. The only thing that ruined Tribes 1 is the whingers that had nothing better than cause flames and if you guys are reading this (you know who you are), you are a bloody hypocrite for installing this script!


Version 1.20: Mod support removed for weaponkeys and smart deploy
Constant repair script re-writen to work better in laggy times
TAC2 Mayhem added to PilotMode

Version 1.10: Mod support included for smart deploy and weaponkeys
Zoom rollover toggle added to enhanced zoom
Grenade Tap-spam added to grenade throw
Full force mines added to grenade throw
Adjustable grenade charge time added to grenade throw
Toggle for auto-move in smart deploy added

Version 1.00: Tightened up jumpjet disable in vehicles.
Disabled sniperzoom mounting rifle if usign targetting laser

Version 0.91: Fixed "Hopping Mad" bug caused by new Dynamix patch.

Version 0.90: Many fixes and much new stuff added.
Fixed multiple key binds bug AGAIN
Added reset zoom level on spawn option
Added message muting to mine-beacon
Added message muting to constant repair
Added Smart deploy script
Recreated GUI interface

Version 0.83: Removed vehicle invert from pack. Causing too many problems and dynamix has it built in anyways so no point. Added in MouseWheel Zoom as selectable option in Settings. Fixed multiple key-binds bug.

Version 0.82: Fixed bug in constant repair where fire button was not being muted correctly, altered mine-beacon beacons to be marker beacons instead of target beacons and made weaponkey remount previous weapon after weapon throw.

Version 0.81: Fixed bug where weaponkey double tap wouldnt work

Version 0.80: Original Public Beta Release