HalSense Alters your sensitivity with a key (sticky and toggle). HalConnectRetry Retries server connection if you are rejected. HalThirdInv Switches to 3rd-person and back at inv to check your loadout. HalStartScreen Custom startup tabs and new launch screen options. HalDeployer Enables the deploy status indicator on your reticle when you have a deployable. HalLockWarning Flashes warning text and red reticle frame when a missile is locked onto you. HalThrowKit Throws a repair kit with a key-press. HalRetFix Fixes the missing vehicle reticles after toggling the CC... HalLowAmmo Warns when you're low on ammo, and option to change weapons when you run out. HalKillSound Plays a local sound when you make a kill. HalBeaconInv Auto marker-beacons when you deploy a remote inventory. HalBuddy Tracks buddies on servers, including their online status. HalChecker Allows you to switch to the community features while in-game. Halsshot Single key to take screenshot without huds, waypoints, or reticles. HalScore Takes a screenshot automatically at the end of game score screen. HalQuit Disconnect/Quit Tribes 2 with a single key press in-game. HalFPSping Shows your FPS and ping in a small hud.