DemoFolders - This script will allow you to organize your demos into folders, overriding the default recordings dialog. You can play demos directly from these folders, rather then be forced to have them all in the root of /recordings. ReticleRadar - This script is for all the LD or HD out there. If you're like me, you have a tendency to ignore the radar hud - it's way up there in the corner - even though it's a valuable resource to forewarn you of an impending vehicle attack. So, this script puts a copy of the radar on your reticle. You can adjust the opacity, color, and pulse speed (or disable pulsing) of the indicator. IRC TimeStamper - Dunno about you, but I hate not knowing when people said things in the channel. Was it 2 hours ago or was it 10 minutes ago? How long is it taking them to get back to you? Etc. So I've added timestamping to the IRC interface. Also included is a online time clock (available in the IRC window) and the ability to send those special characters that Dynamix forbade us to send.