<% 'Written by Daxmax ' daxmax.com ' Please do not remove this selfless plugging , Thanks ! '------------------------------------------------------ ' XML Load up set xml = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") xml.async = false basiccolor= "0,1" headcolor = "7,1" impcolor = "4,1" ' If the script sends a team name, loads the string to send to ASP TEAR if request.querystring("team") <> "" then string2send= "http://www.teamwarfare.com/xml/viewteam_v2.asp?team=" & Server.URLEncode(request.querystring("team")) else string2send= "http://www.teamwarfare.com/xml/viewteam_v2.asp?team=%2D%7CPE%7C%2D+%2DProgressive+Elements%2D" end if ' ASP TEAR Set xobj = CreateObject("SOFTWING.ASPtear") strRetval = xobj.Retrieve(string2send ,1, "", "", "") ' Load the String retrieved from ASPTEAR TO the XML object xml.loadXML(strRetVal) Set objLst = xml.getElementsByTagName("*") newval = objLst.length ' IF your query is a teams url if request.querystring("question") = "url" then For i = 0 to newval-1 if objLst.item(i).nodename = "url" then response.write objLst.item(i).text & vbcrlf i = newval -1 end if next end if ' IF your query is a teams name if request.querystring("question") = "name" then For i = 0 to newval-1 if objLst.item(i).nodename = "name" then response.write objLst.item(i).text & vbCrlf i = newval -1 end if next end if ' IF your query is a teams description if request.querystring("question") = "description" then For i = 0 to newval-1 if objLst.item(i).nodename = "description" then response.write basiccolor & " " & objLst.item(i).text & vbCrlf i = newval -1 end if next end if ' IF your query is a teams email if request.querystring("question") = "email" then For i = 0 to newval-1 if objLst.item(i).nodename = "email" then response.write basiccolor & " " & objLst.item(i).text & vbCrlf i = newval -1 end if next end if if request.querystring("question") = "irc" then For i = 0 to newval-1 if objLst.item(i).nodename = "irc" then response.write impcolor & " Channel: " & basiccolor & " " & objLst.item(i).getAttribute("channel") & " in " & impcolor & "Server:" & basiccolor & " " & objLst.item(i).text & vbCrlf i = newval -1 end if next end if ' IF your query is a teams founder if request.querystring("question") = "founder" then For i = 0 to newval-1 if objLst.item(i).nodename = "founder" then response.write basiccolor & " " & objLst.item(i).text & vbCrlf i = newval -1 end if next end if ' IF your query is a teams roster if request.querystring("question") = "roster" then x = 0 For i = 0 to newval-1 if objLst.item(i).nodename = "ladder" or objLst.item(i).nodename = "league" then response.write vbCrlf & headcolor & " " & objLst.item(i).getAttribute("name") & " Roster" & vbCrlf end if if objLst.item(i).nodename = "player" then if objLst.item(i+2).text = "Team Captain" then response.write impcolor & " " & "TC*" & basicolor end if if objLst.item(i+2).text = "Team Founder" then response.write impcolor & " " & "F*" & basicolor end if response.write basiccolor & " " & objLst.item(i).getAttribute("name") response.write ", " end if next end if ' IF your query is a teams record if request.querystring("question") = "record" then For i = 0 to newval-1 if objLst.item(i).nodename = "ladder" or objLst.item(i).nodename = "league" then response.write objLst.item(i).getAttribute("name") & vbCrlf end if if objLst.item(i).nodename = "rank" then response.write basiccolor & " " & " Rank: " & objLst.item(i).text & " | " end if if objLst.item(i).nodename = "wins" then response.write basiccolor & " " & " Wins: " & objLst.item(i).text & "|" end if if objLst.item(i).nodename = "losses" then response.write basiccolor & " " & " Losses: " & objLst.item(i).text & "|" end if if objLst.item(i).nodename = "forfeits" then response.write basiccolor & " " & " Forfeits: " & objLst.item(i).text & vbCrlf end if next end if ' IF your query is a teams match if request.querystring("question") = "match" then For i = 0 to newval-1 if objLst.item(i).nodename = "ladder" or objLst.item(i).nodename = "league" then mapmarker = 0 response.write vbCrlf & headcolor & " " & objLst.item(i).getAttribute("name") & vbCrlf end if if objLst.item(i).nodename = "match" then response.write impcolor & " " & objLst.item(i).getAttribute("status") mapmarker = 0 end if if objLst.item(i).nodename = "opponentname" then response.write basiccolor & " " & objLst.item(i).text & " || Link: " & objLst.item(i+2).text & vbCrlf end if if objLst.item(i).nodename = "matchdate" then response.write impcolor & "Date: " & basiccolor & " " & objLst.item(i).text & vbCrlf end if if objLst.item(i).nodename = "map" then if mapmarker= 0 then response.write impcolor & " " & "Maps:" mapmarker = 1 end if response.write basiccolor & " " & objLst.item(i).getAttribute("name") & " " end if if objLst.item(i).nodename = "SideSelection" then response.write basiccolor & " - " & objLst.item(i).text & " | " end if next end if ' Dont t delete this period for some reason mirc doesn't retrieve anything if the document doesn't have some text value at the end of it. %> .